Hello lads and lasses !
It's another Friday and that means another shitty post from yours truly !
General Topic
So what's up with me ? Well I've been working on Sapphire Romance a lot - as always.
I think next week post will dive more into Sapphire Romance and what it is.
Thinking about it there are tons of little project i worked on and never finished that i could present here...
I'll also have to think about the formatting of these weekly news - i was thinking to divide them up between the different aspect of what i do and create.
That would be interesting.
Anyhow - i don't have much news to talk about this week - only more ramblings about the drawings i did so let's go straight to it.
Art post \ Luna-lunalight - Lylias the crimson fox.
Here is the art i made for Lylias who replaces the card Lunalight Crimson Fox.
Her EDOPRO/Project IGNIS code is 94919024.
I don't have much to say about the art except for the redesign of Lylias clothes as apparently i cannot stick with one and only clothes design.
Also i changed her hair style - something i did during the character designing of Sapphire Romance.
I like this new hairstyle as it look more natural than the gravity defying tuft she had before.
Apart from that, i do have to say that Lylias is partly the reason as to why i nuked my older pixiv gallery.
So what happened ?
Well to put it simply i was hit by a big Mandela effect - For some reason Lylias's design had been changed without me realizing.
I'll explain from my POV as it's the best way to explain it :
I was working on this picture and because i wanted to redesign the clothes of Lylias i wanted to see her previous clothes so as to have a reference for it.
From the top of my head i always remembered that Lylias had her tattoo over the right eye and that her red tuft went to the opposite side to her tattoo.
So i began looking at my older gallery and saw the oldest picture of Lylias... and somehow as i looked at her i noticed something wrong : Her tattoo was over the left eye.
At first i thought i had just inverted the drawing and fucked up somehow so i checked the original files to be sure...
Her tattoo was on the left eye.
Slightly agitated, i began to open the original design file i had and confirmed that... her tattoo was on the left eye.
So i was confused - when did i made the change ?
I began looking at the pictures before my 2021's banner... and the tattoo was on the left eye.
However there was another slight problem - the tuft of hair was on the same side as her tattoo.
So i continued to go back and went all the way back to before my 2019 banner and this time the tattoo was on the left eye but the hair were on the opposite side.
This is when i realized what had happened and how i had forgot :
During my 2019 banner i had drawn the hair on the same side as the tattoo because it was easier as i couldn't make it look right.
But by doing so, i reused this banner after forgetting why i had done it that way and repeated what i made blindly.
Up until my 2021 banner where i remembered that Lylias's tattoo was on the opposite side of her hair and thus made the change thinking i had just made a mistake on the previous drawing.
Realizing all that i also recalled a fan-commission i had received where i was bothered as she had been drawn with the tattoo over the left eye and the tuft on the wrong side.
Thing is - i was just an idiot and the artist had drawn it correctly.
So to avoid more messing with the story lore i decided to private all the drawings for now and start fresh.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience it causes but these characters matters a lot to me so i want to get them right.
Also memories are a terrifying things.
Website news
Not much going on.
I haven't worked on the website this week as i had a lot of other stuff i did - I'll try working more on it over the weekend i think.
Alongside drawing stuff of course.
See you next Friday for another update !